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Networking, Resourcing, & Advocating
for Faith Formation Ministries
Faith Formation
and Intergenerational Resources
If you have suggestions for resources that would benefit other UCC faith formation leaders throughout the US, please share them with us and we will add them here.
*The AUCE Board of Directors reserves the right to decline submissions that do not comply with the mission and beliefs of the United Church of Christ.
Some sites listed here include curriculum materials; scroll down for the Curriculum Resources category.
For seasonal resources, search on these AUCE-recommened websites for the season/church holiday to find great resources.
A Sanctified Art
Faith in the home (Traci Smith)
Faith Inkubators (resources for parents)
Illustrated Ministry
Keep Connected (for families from Search Institute)
Lifelong Faith
Messy Church
Milestones Ministry
Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality education
Palestine Israel Network (UCC) - resources for children & youth
Parenting Forward
Picture the Bible
SALT (progressive seasonal digital/printable resources)
Sticky Faith
Storypath (children's book reviews and lesson suggestions)
Workshop Rotation
Worshiping with Children
Building Faith (faith formation blog)
reFocus Ministry (Christine Embree)
Rows of Sharon (Sharon Ely Pearson)
Curriculum Resources and Assistance
UCC-friendly curriculum materials with thanks to the Southern New England Conference Faith Formation Team
Curriculum resource help from the Southern New England Conference Faith Formation Team
Adult faith formation resources curated by the Southern New England Conference Faith Formation Team (scroll down to Adult Faith Formation)
The Ministry Lab - cultivating vibrant church leaders and congregations by pooling the wisdom and resources of the Minnesota Annual Conference United Methodist Church, Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ, Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area, The Synod of Lakes and Prairies (PCUSA), and United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities.
Practical Resources for Churches - resource consultants, on-line catalog, live and recorded webinars
Vacation Bible School resources and support from Building Faith
Intergenerational Ministry Resources
Resource List for Intergenerational Ministries
Compiled compiled by AUCE members Lisa Hart, Kevin Brown, and Amy Johnson for the UCC Rural/Small Church Gathering -
Resource List for Intergenerational Worship & Ministries
with thanks to our colleagues in the Southern New England Conference
Curated Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Resources
The Ministry Lab
Practical Resources for Churches
Southern New England Conference UCC Faith Formation Team
Yale Youth Ministry Institute
Facebook Groups
Association of United Church Educators (AUCE)
Birthing Cross+Gen Community
Progressive Youth Ministry
Raising Children Unfundamentalist
The Changing 21st Century Sunday School
Unfundamentalist/Progressive Children's Ministry
Parenting Forward
Other Networking Communities
Catalyst from Vibrant Faith - a free online community & resource center for faith formation leaders
Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Leaders Cohort - an informal group within The Damascus Project Network that meets the 1st & 3rd Thursdays 10:00-11:30 a.m. Central Time. Contact Lisa Hart for more information and to join.
Resources for AUCE Members
Members of AUCE are granted access to a specially curated page of member-created resources, which includes downloads of the UCC's Faith Practices materials at no cost.
Lost your password? Contact Lisa Hart to have it e-mailed to you.
Want to join AUCE?
Click here to become a member and support our ministry of advocacy for excellence in faith formation ministries!
Webinar Recording from Thursdays for the Soul October 13, 2022
with AUCE Board members: thom bower, Kim Nagy, Kristin Putney, & Jaquel Scott
Launched in January 2020, Vibrant Faith Catalyst is an online community and resource center for Christian leaders committed to transforming the way we envision and design faith formation for all ages in the 21st century. Vibrant Faith created Catalyst to build a community of Christian leaders who support, encourage, and challenge each other toward vital and vibrant faith formation in their churches, and to provide resources, tools, training, and enrichment to develop, sustain, and grow lifelong faith formation.
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