Networking, Resourcing, & Advocating
for Faith Formation Ministries
Children's Messages
Video messages of God's love to share with children
Do you have a video children's message to share with your AUCE colleagues to use? Submit it here!
*The AUCE Board of Directors reserves the right to decline submissions that do not comply with the mission and beliefs of the United Church of Christ.
Pastor Patty's Musical Menagerie
Rev. Patty Fox, pastor of West Stockbridge (MA) Congregational Church UCC and Canaan (NY) Congregational Church UCC, writes and sings her own songs with children and animals while sharing the message of God's love:
"And Then the Spirit Steps In..."
"What Does It Mean To Be the People of God?"
Ashley Martinage
Ashley is the Director of Faith Formation at Rock Spring Congregational United Church of Christ.
Let Justice Roll Down (Amos 5:21-24)
Water From a Rock (Exodus 17:1-7)
The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:24-36)