Networking, Resourcing, & Advocating

for Faith Formation Ministries
Safe Environments, Practices, and Policies

The United Church of Christ Insurance Board (UCCIB)
offers a wide variety of free resources specifically for congregations
The UCCIB SafeConduct™ Workbench
provides tools for developing your ministry’s abuse prevention program. These include access to services and other reference materials:
Know Your Score (KYS) - a self assessment tool for congregations to identify gaps in abuse prevention.
Online Trainings - from Praesidium
A quick video & reading overview plan
for church leaders and committees using Insurance Board materials
​UCC links to a sample policy and forms for youth ministry
Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship
from FEMA
See pages 23ff regarding active shooters.
Mandated Reporting Laws & Procedures for all 50 States