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Mid-Atlantic Region


Margie Price represents the Mid-Atlantic Region on the AUCE Board of Directors. You may contact her about finding a faith formation practitioner in your area who can serve as a mentor and/or resource.


The Mid-Atlantic Region is made up of the following UCC Conferences:

Mid Atlantic_cropped.png

Central Atlantic

New York

Penn Central

Penn Northeast

Pennsylvania Southeast

Penn West

Scenes from the Hybrid Mid-Atlantic AUCE 2022 Event





The Spiritual Practice of Coloring

The Spiritual Practice of Coloring

Participants combined their portions of a complete coloring page from Illustrated Ministry

Artsy Spiritual Practices

Artsy Spiritual Practices

On-site and on-line participants group photo

On-site and on-line participants group photo

Participants' "silly" group photo

Participants' "silly" group photo

Amazing food at the Tuscarora Inn

Amazing food at the Tuscarora Inn

Worship Center

Worship Center

Illustrated Ministry coloring page

Illustrated Ministry coloring page



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