Networking, Resourcing, & Advocating
for Faith Formation Ministries
The purpose of the New England Association of United Church Educators is to plan and host its annual Conference on Christian Education. This event is generally held at Pilgrim Pines Conference Center in Swanzey, NH. (From 1984 to 2014 this event was enjoyed at the Craigville Conference Center on Cape Cod in Massachusetts.) High quality keynote speakers, worship leaders, and workshops are offered during this three-day event which includes time for networking and nature walks while expanding one’s horizons in Christian education and faith formation.
New England Region
Tivvi Pare represents the New England Region on the AUCE Board of Directors. You may contact her about finding a faith formation practitioner in your area who can serve as a mentor and/or resource.
The New England Region is made up of the following UCC Conferences:
New Hampshire
Southern New England
Click here to view the
NEAUCE Articles of Organization
Save the Date!
April 30 - May 2