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Helping Kids Through Tough Times

Resources for Parents



We long for the day that natural disasters and senseless violence will be but a distant memory.
Yet our children are exposed to these horrific events in the media on a regular basis.
How can we guide them in ways that will help them to grow into mature adults?
How can we quell our own fears while keeping the children calm and feeling safe?

The links below offer some guidance for what to say (and what not to say), for what to do (and what not to do), and how to help children navigate tough times in their lives.



Bishop Mariann Budde:
A Plea for Mercy and a Call to Action

A youth ministry session resource from Illustrated Ministry


Leading Conversations After a Crisis 
from Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance)

Helping Kids Cope with a Violent World



Conversations About Death

  •     Support for children, teens, and families after the death of a parent

  • Talking About Death with Children

  • Books
    - Good Grief: Helping Groups of Children When a Friend Dies by Sandra Sutherland Fo
    -  Help Me Say Goodbye: Activities for Helping Kids Cope When a Special Person Dies by Janis Silverman

  • Children's Books about Death, Loss, and Coping
    Badger's Paring Gifts by Susan Varley
    Everett Anderson's Goodbye by Lucille Clifton
    The Fall of Freddie the Leaf by Leo Buscaglia
    I Remember Miss Perry by Pat Brisson
    The Memory Book: A Grief Journal for Children & Families by Joanna Rowland
    The 10th Good Thing About Barney by Judith Viorst
    Tear Soup by Pat Schwiebert
    Waterbugs and Dragonflies by Doris Stickney







Gun Violence



Support for Parents








How to Raise Kids to Tell the Truth
    a blog by Cindy Wang Brandt, author of Parenting Forward



Some Things Congregations Can Do

  • Collect comfort supplies for local hospitals such as stuffed animals, snuggle blankets, comforting children's books, good quality craft supplies, tote bags of drawing pads & Crayons/markers, etc. BUT only after checking with the specific needs from the facility first!

  • Connect with agencies, such as the Children's Room in Arlington, MA, for ideas and opportunities to help

  • Gather a Prayer Group together

  • Contact volunteers to make meals for a grieving family



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