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New AUCE Membership Rates and Why You Should Renew!

Lisa Hart, AUCE Membership Secretary

As the Membership Secretary for AUCE, I have often been asked why membership is important.

AUCE is an organization that seeks to serve all who are engaged in faith formation, so many of our resources are available to both members and non-members.

So…why would someone choose to pay money for a membership when they can get the resources for free? Here are a few reasons I think are important to consider:

  • Advocacy for faith formation. AUCE is an organization that advocates for faith formation in the church. We are in relationship with the Faith INFO Team in the national setting of the United Church of Christ, representing those engaged in faith formation in local congregations and beyond. The influence of AUCE is directly related to the size of our membership. The greater our membership numbers, the greater our influence with denominational leadership as we advocate for support and resources for faith formation in our congregations.

  • Pay it forward. When we retire, it can be tempting to let our membership lapse. However, I am reminded of the many retirees who have supported my work in faith formation by continuing their membership in AUCE. Retirees are able to continue their support of AUCE, and its work, at a reduced rate. By continuing your membership and support, you can honor the retirees who supported your work in faith formation.

  • Access to AUCE member-created resources. Not all resources are available without a membership. AUCE member created resources are only available to individuals with a current AUCE membership. This includes access to all of the UCC Faith Practices materials, having received permission from Pilgrim Press to allow AUCE members access at no cost!

  • Access to the AUCE Members Facebook Group. (Search for “Association of United Church Educators.”) Members are able to resource each other and network in our private Facebook Group. This group is separate from our public AUCE Facebook Page.

  • Members edition of the AUCE E-News. Includes the password to our AUCE member resources webpage. To receive the full E-News, you must be a current member of AUCE.

  • Free advertising on our website and in the AUCE E-News. Members are able to place ads at no extra charge.

AUCE Membership Rates to Increase in January 2022

The AUCE Board of Directors voted to increase membership rates for the first time in more than a decade. While rates are increasing, we have also created a lower rate for first time members. This is an opportunity for new members to join for one year at an introductory rate. Current members are also able to extend their memberships for one year at the current rate by renewing prior to December 31, 2021. All renewals received by that date will be extended for one year beyond the current expiration date.

New rates beginning January 1, 2022:

  • Basic Membership: $85

  • First Time Membership: $50

  • Sustaining Membership: $100* (for those who want to provide extra support for the work of AUCE)

  • Educator Couple Membership: $125

  • Group Membership: $225 (up to 5 people from the same church or agency)

  • Retired, Volunteer, and Full-time Student Membership: $40

Click here to become a member of AUCE or to renew your membership!

Lisa Hart serves the Wisconsin Conference UCC as its Associate Conference Minister for Faith Formation and Justice Ministries, and Executive Associate to the Conference Minister, and serves on the AUCE Board as Membership Secretary.

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